We offer a full range of services to boat owners from diesel and pump out to a full repaint. As a small company we depend on our reputation and ensure that all work is carried out to highest standard.
Boat Hull Blacking – why not treat your boat to a trip out on our slipway for a hull blacking? We hot pressure wash and apply two coats of good quality hull backing for narrowboats, including a free stern gear check. New anodes can also be fitted if required. Gloss paintwork on gunwhales and counter bands can also be done. Please ask us for a quote. Paintwork – we offer a full repainting service in our heated paintshed. We have capability to strip your boat right down to bare metal, giving you peace of mind that your paintwork is sound from primer up and boat looking as good as new!
Repairs and Servicing – As well as being able to do these at our Boatyard we now have Mobile Workshop Facilities
Engineering – from a basic service to a new engine and anything in between! We can also undertake steelwork repairs and alterations, stern gear overhauls or replacements. Running a large fleet of our own boats gives an invaluable insight into preventative maintenance, fault finding and rectification.
Electrical – as Ampower Services, we have a huge experience of new electrical installations, rewires and upgrades. Make charging problems a thing of past with one of our Ampower Advanced Battery Managers.
Heating and appliances – Solid fuel or diesel heating installation and services. We use a Gas Safe registered company, who can carry out installation, repairs and servicing to any lpg appliance or central heating system.
Inside your boat – our skilled joiners, cabinet and furniture makers can carry out any alterations you may require in a style to match your fitout. Our polisher can blend new timber in so new woodwork matches almost seamlessly. We build a small number of bespoke boats, and normally have an example of our craftsmanship in progress for you to view. We are able to supply flooring and soft furnishings, as well as all equipment necessary for your new saloon, galley, bathroom or bedroom.
Cratches and covers – we specialise in design and fitting of deckboards and top quality covers. Cleaning – we offer a valeting service from £200 so you can get on with the important part of boat ownership – going boating! Boat Safety Scheme – BSS examinations and compliance work carried out. Metalwork and Tinsmithing - we have the skills on site to carry out any steelwork from heavy fabrication and overplating down to sheet metalwork and tinsmithing.
Workboat “Margaret No. 7”
Privately owned workboat “Margaret No.7” came to Rose Narrowboats for some work.
To see more of the work we did please click on the button below. |